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Return Via

Return Via

Autoroute with GND Return Vias using the new MakeDO Return Via feature


Inductance is a big barrier to routing hi-speed signals with vias.


Pair signal vias with GND Return Vias for a big reduction in hi-speed signal inductance.


Create your own Return Vias from existing thru vias, blind vias and buried vias. Route single-ended and diffpair hi-speed signals with Return Vias to reduce your hi-speed signal via inductance.

New Return Vias route just like any other via in the Router


The Router and MakeDO see Return Vias just like any via object.


Use the same via rules, like clearances, as you use for all vias. There's no learning curve with Return Vias.

After routing, convert Return Vias back to individual vias to export to Host CAD System


Assign GND nets to the GND vias associated with your hi-speed Signal vias. MakeDO converts the Return Vias in your routed board back to their individual vias.


Export your Routes and Sessions files to your Host CAD system. Return Vias produce new, better routing preserving all your regular design flows.

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